Social media has become more and more accessible to users. According to comScore Media Metrix Mult-Platform & Mobile Metrix, almost 80% of time spent on social media sites occurs on mobile devices. Social media and mobile marketing go hand in hand with apps making it easier to check your social media on the go. According to a recent study of Samsung, 39% of their customers said social media was their favourite thing to do with their phone, and over 1 billion have downloaded the Facebook app. This explains why users share 2 times more on mobile devices than on desktops.

In general, when creating a mobile strategy for a business’ social media sites, messages need to be tailored to specific platforms. There are different functions to be used to optimise one’s mobile strategy e.g. having mobile apps that let you filter sources and create alerts or implement strategies according to the user’s location that allows you to communicate relevant information.

When considering a social mobile marketing strategy, there are different aspects to take into account based on how each social site displays on a mobile device compared to other devices. Looking at Facebook for example, it displays differently on mobile than on desktop. The order of Facebook’s display on mobile differs e.g. showing information first before it shows any updates. Facebook also emphasises photos as it displays the photos first for a visitor to browse through. Underneath the images, Facebook shows two page updates which treats image posts and link posts differently on the various devices. Creating a social mobile marketing strategy is essential to connect with your audience and leverage your mobile presence.

1: Think Responsive

Any content viewed on a mobile device should be mobile-friendly and responsive ensuring that it’s formatted in a readable and shareable manner taking the respond and resize of images into account. This is critical as users share content x2 more on mobile devices than on desktops.

2: Post Content at the Right Time

Social updates can become cluttered on newsfeeds and timelines as people post content on a regular basis. Reaching your audience at the right time is key. There is no “right” time of the day, but using Facebook’s insights will indicate when your fans or followers are online. One suggestion would be to post when people have time on their hands e.g. when they are commuting to and from work, sitting around on their lunch break etc.

3: Repurpose Content in Different Ways

Every social site has different benefits and strengths. Twitter is great to get the message across in a snackable tweet, while Facebook is an appropriate network for longer written posts. Instagram and Pinterest emphasise images compared to YouTube showcasing video content.

The differences in social media platforms should be considered to make the most of your content every social media app.

4: Use Paid Advertising

According to Thrive Analytics (Local Search Report, 2015), 78% of people who clicked on a mobile ad then went on to make a purchase a couple of days later. Most social media sites offer advertising opportunities. Instead of advertising in a small space in the sidebar, rather execute social media adverts on mobile taking up a larger part of the user’s screen which will be more likely to be seen and clicked on.

5:  Keep Consistent

Ensure that your business’ presence is consistent across all social media platforms. One needs to be consistent with its brand presence, using the same logo, keep contact details updated, integrate and align your content with your brand. Users need to be able to recognise and engage with your brand at every opportunity.

Social media is constantly changing in a volatile market. Therefore, every brand needs to stay on top of its game and focus on parts that can be controlled. Each social site needs to be evaluated on mobile compared to other devices to be able to create a winning mobile marketing strategy for your different social media platforms. It’s important to keep building your audience, posting regular engaging content and monitoring and analysing your user’s internet habits to adjust your strategy accordingly.


Jones, M. 2016. 5 Ways to Improve Your Social Mobile Marketing Strategy. Online URL:

Sterling, G., 2016. Almost 80% of time spent on social media platforms happens on mobile. Online URL:

Kevan, L. 2014. Ultimate Guide to Mobile Social Media: Phone and Tablet Strategies for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. Online URL: